Tag Archives: chemo

Baby Haysley – Warrior princess – fighting Brain Cancer

12 Dec

 Meet the amazing and super sweet Haysley Grayce!

She is one of my little Granddaughters and she has a long long road ahead of her. No child should have to be this strong 😦

My eldest son and his wife received the unimaginable news just after their twins turned one year old, that Haysley had a brain tumor. These two parents were crushed. Not only do they have to muster the strength to see baby Haysley through the roughest time of her little life but still give kaizlynn (her mirror twin) the attention and love that she needs. 

Hard times are ahead for this new little family. Trips once a week to New Orleans for Chemo followed by 6 weeks of radiation. 

Taylor, Haysley father has been taking a few days off of work to stay home and take care of her sister so her mom can make the trip to New Orleans each week. This is taking such a financial toll on them and I honestly don’t know how they are going to make it. 

As a family, we are helping as much as we can but if your reading this and would like to help, offer prayers or visit her Facebook page, we would appreciate it so much. 

To visit Haysley’s Facebook page and follow her progress with daily updates, click on the link below.

Haysley Strong

To Donate if possible. Click the link below for her go fund me page. 

Any amount would help. Prayers are also the most amazing gift to her.

Contribute to Haysley Fight

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